csun event roundup

Summary of CSUN ATC 2019

The 34th CSUN Assistive Technology Conference has come and gone (held March 11-15, 2019). It was another terrific event, and with approximately 5000 attendees! The big difference in this year’s event was the new location—the lovely Anaheim Marriott hotel outside of Los Angeles, California. The official Twitter hashtag is #CSUNATC19. Next year’s event is planned for the same venue next March 9 to March 13, 2020.

CSUN Assistive Technology Conference, logo

Sandy Plotin (Managing Director, Center on Disabilities, CSUN) and Jennison Asuncion (Digital Accessibility Leader!) hosted the keynote event where Johanna Lucht, a Deaf Engineer at NASA, was honored. In addition, Sean Keegan, Director of California Community Colleges Accessibility Center, was announced this year’s Strache Leadership Award recipient.

Below are a great list of session resources, a few announcements made, photos, and some fun tweets! Lastly, links to past CSUN events are listed.

Recommended Session Resources

For much more, check the Great big list of CSUNATC19 accessibility presentations (Google Sheet). Also see the TPG CSUN 2019 Round-up and the Deque Systems Presentation Slides.


Please leave a comment with anything missed.

More Related Links


Several people standing in front of meeting room with slide still projected.
David Swallow answering questions after his session.
Large meeting room with woman standing behind table and in front of large slide projection.
Sarah Pulis of Intopia presenting.
Front of room with projected slide on left, two people standing in center, and live captions on monitor on right.
Microsoft presenting on Narrator.

Fun Tweets

Past reviews of CSUN ATC conferences

conference event

Digital Accessibility Events in 2019

Happy new year! Below is a list of many great conferences and events targeting digital accessibility which are coming up in 2019! I’m sure some are missing; please leave others in comments.

Webinars and more!

calendar icon says upcoming events

conference event roundup

Accessibility Toronto Conference 2018 Review

The second Accessibility Toronto Conference was another success! It was held at TELUS in beautiful downtown Toronto, Canada. Hosted by the lovely Léonie Watson (@LeonieWatson) and the always entertaining Makoto Ueki (@mak_en).

Accessibility Toronto Conference hash tag #a11yTOConf

Presentation Resources (partial list)

If your presentation resource is not listed, please leave a comment or contact me on Twitter at @WebAxe.

Welcome To My World
by @SteveFaulkner

Assistive Technology: Training, UX And Design: What Devs Need To Know About UX And Aging
by @SassyOutwater

Finding The Place Where Accessibility And SEO Happily Co-Exist
by @CarieFisher

If It’s Interactive, It Needs A Focus Style
by Eric Bailey @ericwbailey

A Primer On The Designer’s A11y Responsibility
by Hala Anwar @halathinkeths

The Dark Side Of The Grid
by Manuel Matuzović @mmatuzo

Creating Accessible React Apps
by Scott Vinkle @svinkle

Making Bulb More Accessible
Related article: Making Bulb accessible – introducing the new Bulb site
by Heydon Pickering @heydonworks


view of stage from back of large room with may people seated
Billy kicking off the event
projected slide with title of craptions and the grinch with caption saying hate hate hate double hate
Grinch don’t like bad captions
John standing on left of stage and projected slide on right
John Foliot talking WCAG
Makoto and Leonie on stage introducing Hala.
Makoto and Leonie on stage introducing Hala.

Collection of A11yTO 2018 photos on Google Photos


Last Thoughts

Unfortunately, Eric Wright (@EWAccess) wasn’t able to give his presentation “Speech Recognition Solutions” due to breaking his ankle while he was in Toronto for the conference. Feel better Eric!

Was great to meet several folks in person for the first time whom I had known for a while online including Heydon Pickering, Eric Bailey, and Manuel Matuzović.

I discovered Steam Whistle pilsner (brewed in Toronto) which was very good!

Billy Gregory announced that the event will take place again next year in the same location (and Cordelia and Heydon invited to host!)

Here’s the review of last year’s conference (2017), Accessibility Toronto Conference a big success!


Upcoming Web Accessibility Events, Spring 2018

Here’s a great list of upcoming events relating to web accessibility.

conference event roundup

Accessibility Toronto Conference a big success!

The inaugural Accessibility Toronto Conference was a big success! The event was held September 28-29, 2017 in the TELUS building in downtown Toronto. (Toronto has been a leader in conducting accessibility “camps” but this was the first “conference”.) Major thanks to the event organizers and sponsors.


Addendum Nov 6, 2017: AMI Inside: a11yTO Conference (YouTube)

Presentation Resources

Here are resources for many of the presentations. Feel free to add any to the comments.


  • The 7th #a11yTOCamp is scheduled for November 18 at @OCAD. Follow @a11yTO for more info.
  • Great moment: Makoto strips off his flannel shirt and proudly displays a Toronto Blue Jays baseball jersey which was hidden underneath!
  • Personally, it was great meeting some folks in person for the first time whom I’ve know online for years, especially @vavroom. Also met some great new folks!
  • I also really enjoyed visiting Toronto—a very clean, fun, friendly, and diverse city!


Below are some selected tweets from the conference. The event’s account is @a11yTO and the hash tag is #a11yTOConf.