The second Accessibility Toronto Conference was another success! It was held at TELUS in beautiful downtown Toronto, Canada. Hosted by the lovely Léonie Watson (@LeonieWatson) and the always entertaining Makoto Ueki (@mak_en).

Presentation Resources (partial list)
If your presentation resource is not listed, please leave a comment or contact me on Twitter at @WebAxe.
Welcome To My World
by @SteveFaulkner
Assistive Technology: Training, UX And Design: What Devs Need To Know About UX And Aging
by @SassyOutwater
Finding The Place Where Accessibility And SEO Happily Co-Exist
by @CarieFisher
If It’s Interactive, It Needs A Focus Style
by Eric Bailey @ericwbailey
A Primer On The Designer’s A11y Responsibility
by Hala Anwar @halathinkeths
The Dark Side Of The Grid
by Manuel Matuzović @mmatuzo
Creating Accessible React Apps
by Scott Vinkle @svinkle
Making Bulb More Accessible
Related article: Making Bulb accessible – introducing the new Bulb site
by Heydon Pickering @heydonworks

Collection of A11yTO 2018 photos on Google Photos
Assistive tech isn’t just screen readers! #a11yTOConf
— Katelyn Lemay (@lemayke) October 15, 2018
Audible gasps from the audience as @shepazu demos a tool to explore table data with a screen reader.
Not just reading the data out in order but asking and answering questions: “What are the top 5?” “How does C compare to N?”#a11yTOConf
— Stephanie Hobson (@stephaniehobson) October 15, 2018
Sustaining Accessibility – Risks:
1. critical employee turnover
2. inadequate accessible training
3. changes in regulatory requirements
4. inadequate oversight in product mgmt
5. loss of tech interoperability
by @sambhavi #a11y #a11yTOConf— Web Axe (@webaxe) October 15, 2018
React code doesn't have to be inaccessible any more than hip-hop has to be misogynist.
— (@heydonworks) February 9, 2018
Last Thoughts
Unfortunately, Eric Wright (@EWAccess) wasn’t able to give his presentation “Speech Recognition Solutions” due to breaking his ankle while he was in Toronto for the conference. Feel better Eric!
Was great to meet several folks in person for the first time whom I had known for a while online including Heydon Pickering, Eric Bailey, and Manuel Matuzović.
I discovered Steam Whistle pilsner (brewed in Toronto) which was very good!
Billy Gregory announced that the event will take place again next year in the same location (and Cordelia and Heydon invited to host!)
Here’s the review of last year’s conference (2017), Accessibility Toronto Conference a big success!