forms lists option podcast

Podcast #51: Option Groups (OptGroup)

Option lists with many items may cause problems for users with assistive technology, such as screen readers. The solution is to use the Optgroup element to split options in the Select list into manageable groups. This also better practice for usability.

Download Web Axe Episode 51 (Option Groups [OptGroup])

WCAG 1.0 says: Guideline 2.3 Divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups where natural and appropriate. [Priority 2]


Sample Code:


articles motor

Improving accessibility for motor impaired users

Improving accessibility for motor impaired users is a great article from

Topics include:

  • Provide the largest possible area for links
  • Use a focus state for links
  • Provide a visible ‘skip to content’ link
  • Have users opt in for audio
  • What not to do