articles expert interview

Interview with Jennison by Steve

If you missed it from Twitter a month-and-a-half ago, Steve Grobschmidt (@AquinasWI) published an interview with accessibility expert Jennison Asuncion (@Jennison) in a 3-part series. It’s published on Steve’s blog “the art of web accessibility”. I recommend reading the interview as well as checking out Steve’s blog. Both Steve and Jennison are excellent contributors to the web accessibility community.

head shot of Jennison Asuncion

interview podcast

Web Axe in BBC Podcast

The author and main host of Web Axe, Dennis Lembree, is interviewed in a podcast on the BBC! It’s in the show entitled Haiti, BIL and accessibility on the BBC Pods & Blogs section. The BBC podcast can be found here, but is only available for seven days as it is then replaced by the following week’s program. (The interview starts at about 14 minutes 30 seconds into the podcast.)

The show notes state:

New and social media should not be left out of the equation of course. Dennis Lembree makes the Web Axe podcast about accessibility and has also created a Twitter reader that he says is 100% accessible.

Much of the phone interviewed was edited down, but it’s still another win for awareness of web accessibility. In addition to Web Axe, Dennis mentions and the Detroit Podcasters Network.


Just before Dennis, accessibility expert and evangelist for Yahoo, Artur Ortega is interviewed.

You can download the BBC podcast here! (It’s no longer available on the BBC page.)

adobe expert interview podcast webaim

Podcast #75: Jeremy Keith Interview, Google Wave

Ross interviews web guru Jeremy Keith; Dennis and Ross discuss news, articles, and Google Wave.

Download Web Axe Episode 75 (Jeremy Keith Interview, Google Wave)


News and Links

Accessibility Review of Google Wave

Google Wave Preview Accessibility Review by Jared Smith. Jared tactfully explains how web accessibility of Google Wave fails miserably. For example:

  • Alternative text is not provided for any images.
  • Background images are used to convey content.
  • Roles, states, and other accessibility properties are not defined.
  • There is no document or heading structure or semantics.
  • Form elements do not have labels or titles.
  • Keyboard focus indication is hidden, making keyboard navigation nearly impossible.
  • Keyboard focus is often trapped.
  • The application becomes unusable and unreadable when text size is increased only slightly.

Jeremy Keith Interview

Co-host Ross Johnson speaks with Jeremy Keith,, a web standards guru, author, and speaker. Here are some great Jeremy Keith links:

Related Links


The podcast was originally cut off by a couple minutes at the end. It is now fixed. Full running time is about 1 hour and 12 minutes.

aria event flash interview news

Accessibility Round-Up from Twitter

Accessibility Review: by Joe Dolson.

In the United Kingdom, join the campaign for Offcom to increase audio description on TV from 10% to 20%.

Wanted: Flash and Dojo accessibility experts for contract work. Contact John Foliot at the email address: jfoliot AT stanford DOT edu.

Update on The Paciello Group’s ARIA role support: how the Windows browsers stack up.

Rate Accessible Twitter on


Event reminders:

expert interview podcast

Other Accessibility Podcasts (and UX)

Information & Design is a usability and user experience company based in Melbourne, Australia. Its web site offers a fine list of User Experience Podcasts, which includes a few on accessibility, including the following:

  • Web content accessibility guidelines V2.0 – an interview with Shawn Henry
  • Accessibility: an interview with Dr. Sofia Celic
  • Web accessibility guidelines: an interview with Gian Sampson-Wild

There are also interviews with Steve Krug, Jakob Nielsen, and Luke Wroblewski.