alt code image podcast text web

ALT, Long Description, D-Link

Good and bad examples of the ALT parameter. Long descriptions and D-links: what are they and how do you code one?

Download Web Axe Episode 5

W3C on text equivalents

Code samples:

Ornate photo of Ms. Kensington

Chart of XYZ Corporation Earnings 1995 through 2005

Chart of XYZ Corporation Earnings 1995 through 2005

7 replies on “ALT, Long Description, D-Link”

Hello Ambrish, I’ve looked at your web site home page. The ALT attribute for the images with numbers should only state the number i.e. alt=”one”. For the image with a URL, why not just use text? Spacer images should have an empty ALT attribute i.e. alt=””. Bullets images should also be empty or a “*”. I would highly recommend using web standards which would eliminate both of thest types of elements altogether. Also, try not to stuff keywords into ALT attributes as search engines may give you less credibility or even blacklist you.

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