articles disability

Accessibility to the Face

Accessibility to the Face is a must read article for any web site owner, designer, or developer, etc., especially for those who doubt the importance of creating an accessible web site. It’s a personal perspective by Rob Foster. The article doesn’t mention web accessibility specifically, but is directly related (well, he does mention Section 508).

Here’s a quote about the goal of the article:

My hope with this article is to make accessibility issues surrounding disabilities become real for the reader. The ideal response for me would be for people to think a little harder about the people using your product or experience and what it might be like for those who may not have all their faculties.

One reply on “Accessibility to the Face”

That article is wonderful. I am glad you mention it again, with an emphasis on that last statement. I take this in small steps and just hope that people will think a little harder about accessibility issues. “A little harder” may be all it takes. Raising awareness is also necessary because some people don’t know they need to think about this! You are definitely doing your bit here on WebAxe. 🙂

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